
College of Arts and Media

艺术与媒体学院包括五个优秀的系:艺术系, Dance, Mass Communication, Theatre & Musical Theatre, 和音乐学院成为一个充满活力的学院,寻求激励, educate, 以及毕业的创意艺术家和媒体专业人士.



工商管理学院立志成为全国最好的地区工商管理学院之一. 全面的学术专业, a strong curriculum, excellent teaching, 特殊课程为学生提供了应对当今商业环境挑战所需的现实世界视角.


College of Criminal Justice

刑事司法学院是美国规模最大、历史最悠久的刑事司法学院之一. 学生受益于由专门从事犯罪学的专家教师领导的紧密结合的学习环境, law, psychology, criminal justice, sociology, history, and political science.


College of Education

教育学院培养学生成为教师, 国家认证和公立学校教室. 学院还提供与教育相关的高级学位. The College has concentrated areas of expertise in; School of Teaching & 学习,教育领导,辅导员教育和图书馆学 & Technology.


College of Health Sciences

健康科学学院由人文科学系组成, Public Health, Kinesiology, Nursing and Pre-Nursing. The College collaborates with community and global partners to provide education for diverse populations; advance knowledge and evidence-based practice through scholarship; and promote stewardship of health and quality of life in Texas, the nation, and the world.



人文社会科学学院由八个学术单位组成:传播研究系, English, History, Political Science, Psychology and Philosophy, Sociology, 以及世界语言和文化. By promoting analytic, interpretive, interpersonal, 研究和沟通技巧, 学院促进个人成长, competent professionals, and responsible citizens.


College of Osteopathic Medicine

上海州立大学骨科医学院是该校的第八所学院,也是该州唯一的第三所骨科医学院. 学院的使命是培养整骨疗法医师, 以整骨疗法原理为基础, 谁来满足德州人民的医疗需求.


College of Science & Engineering Technology

学生可以从八个单元提供的各种各样的课程中进行选择, 院系:生物科学, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering Technology, Environmental and Geosciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy. Degrees in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, 动物科学为学生进入医学专业学位课程做准备, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Science, respectively. 对工程感兴趣的学生可以选择三个预工程2+2转学课程(土木), Electrical, or Mechanical, 与德克萨斯大学泰勒分校合作)或物理学3+2双学位选择.