Center for Community Engagement

  • SHSU Department of Forensic Science students from Dr. Patrick Buzzini's classes teach a lesson to high school students interested in pursuing careers in criminal justice allowing them to get first hand experience
    Forensic Science: 学术 Community Engagement
    SHSU Department of Forensic Science students from Dr. Patrick Buzzini's classes teach a lesson to high school students interested in pursuing careers in criminal justice allowing them to get first hand experience using materials and equipment by professionals in the field.
  • 协商对话
    一年两次, 教师, 工作人员, and community members participate in Deliberative Dialogue events. This model of conversation removes polarizing positions and one-sided lectures by simply asking participants to investigate specific solutions to an issue through the help of an issue guide and facilitator.
  • Dr. 伯纳黛特普瑞特, associate professor of history at SHSU, teaches a lesson on civil rights in the local Huntsville community to 7th graders at Mance Park Middle School during the Believe In Possibilities: 7th Grade Initiative
    Believe In Possibilities: 7th Grade Initiative
    Dr. 伯纳黛特普瑞特, associate professor of history at SHSU, teaches a lesson on civil rights in the local Huntsville community to 7th graders at Mance Park Middle School during the Believe In Possibilities: 7th Grade Initiative.
  • 学生 reinact disater relief efforts during 大规模伤亡模拟
    SHSU 部门 of 护理, 运动机能学, and Security Studies held a joint event regarding a mass casualty simulation giving students the opportunity to participate in real life scenarios within their respective fields of study.
  • SHSU student volunteers build planter beds at the Bearkat Community Gardens located behind DC Holleman Field
    Bearkat Community Gardens
    SHSU student volunteers build planter beds at the Bearkat Community Gardens located behind DC Holleman Field. The gardens help members of the community, 环境, and strive to make a difference in the world. 今天的志愿者!

The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) is SHSU’s hub for campus-community connections and collaborations. Through Community Partnership Development, 教师发展, 与学生发展, CCE设计, 计划, 管理, and promotes many initiatives that enhance the culture of community and civic engagement. The CCE is dedicated to maintaining SHSU’s status as a community engaged campus recognized 国家ly since 2010 by the Carnegie Foundation.  


山姆 Houston State University is committed to being an exemplary model of an engaged campus through strong collaborative partnerships and scholarly opportunities with local, 国家, 以及全球社区.


Center for Community Engagement
Huntsville, TX 77341-2193

办公室: chs 262


电话: (936) 294-4559